
Résultats 1 - 10 sur 10

Abonnement : Le Courrier de l'UNESCO (1 an)
Abonnement : Le Courrier de l'UNESCO (1 an)
En date du 12 juin 2024, L'Unesco a pris la décision de mettre fin aux abonnements en ligne du Courrier de L'Unesco sur notre site. Tous les abonnements en cours seront honorés. Depuis sa création en...

Abonnement : Le Courrier de l'UNESCO (2 ans)
Abonnement : Le Courrier de l'UNESCO (2 ans)
En date du 12 juin 2024, L'Unesco a pris la décision de mettre fin aux abonnements en ligne du Courrier de L'Unesco sur notre site. Tous les abonnements en cours seront honorés. Depuis sa création en...

L'apport scientifique arabe à travers les grandes figures de l'époque classique
L'apport scientifique arabe à travers les grandes figures de l'époque classique
Par Salah Ould Moulaye Ahmed L’âge d’or de la pensée arabe décrit dans cet ouvrage s’étendit sur plusieurs siècles et se traduisit par un apport scientifique et technique particulièrement enrichissant...

Technology business incubation: a toolkit on innovation in engineering, science and technology
Technology business incubation: a toolkit on innovation in engineering, science and technology
Many businesses around the world use technology as a means to set-up, run and improve their commercial performance but not all countries have sufficient access to technology. In fact the ’digital...

Standard-Setting In Unesco, Vol 1: Normative Action in Education, Science and Culture
Standard-Setting In Unesco, Vol 1: Normative Action in Education, Science and Culture
Standard-setting represents one of the main constitutional functions of UNESCO and an important tool for realising the goals for which the Organisation was created. In addition to conventions and...

Standard-Setting In Unesco, Vol 2: Conventions, Recommendations, Declarations and Charters Adopted by UNESCO
Standard-Setting In Unesco, Vol 2: Conventions, Recommendations, Declarations and Charters Adopted by UNESCO
Standard-setting represents one of the main constitutional functions of UNESCO and an important tool for realizing the goals for which the organization was created. In addition to conventions and...

Rapport de l'UNESCO sur la science - Vers 2030
Rapport de l'UNESCO sur la science - Vers 2030
Il existe aujourd’hui moins de raisons que par le passé de déplorer une fracture Nord-Sud dans la recherche et l’innovation. Voici une des principales conclusions du Rapport de l’UNESCO sur la science...

UNESCO Science Report  The race against time for smarter development
UNESCO Science Report The race against time for smarter development
It is striking how development priorities have aligned over the past five years. Countries of all income levels are prioritizing their transition to digital and ‘green’ economies, in parallel. This...

A Braided River: The universe of Indian women in science
A Braided River: The universe of Indian women in science
The pursuit of gender equality and increased equity is a complex and multifaceted goal that has been widely recognized as a core component of sustainable development. This book addresses the necessity...

Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation
Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation
This unique transdisciplinary publication is the result of collaboration between UNESCO's Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) programme, the United Nations University's Traditional...