DL Services SPRL
Rue Vanderborght 24
1081 Brussels Belgium
Viet Nam's Cultural Diversity: Approaches to Preservation
This book results from the International Expert Meeting on the Preservation and Revitalization of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Ethnic Minorities in Viet Nam that took place in Hanoi in 1994. The meeting was coorganized by UNESCO’s Unit of Intangible Heritage, the Viet Nam National Commission for UNESCO and the Viet Nam Ministry of Culture and Information. It brought together scholars and officials from Viet Nam, other countries in the East and South-East Asia region, and non-Asian countries. Many of the participants were scholars with considerable research expertise in Viet Nam, or with valuable and rich experiences to share with respect to the preservation and revitalization of the intangible cultural heritage of the various ethnic groups and communities in the region.
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