DL Services SPRL
Rue Vanderborght 24
1081 Brussels Belgium
The Unesco Courier (2021_2): The 20s: Really the best age to be?
Youth climate activists took to the streets of New York City, calling for global action to fight climate change, on 20 September 2019. Millions of demonstrators turned out for similar marches on that day, in over 150 locations worldwide.
Being young can be exciting and fun, but it is always challenging. Completing your studies, finding a job, finding somewhere to live – in short, taking the first steps of the rest of your life. If it was not easy before the Covid-19 pandemic, it is all the more difficult during this time. Besides all the uncertainty, the health crisis has affected young people’s social lives and prevented them from developing a network of friends and support that are vital to their well-being.
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